Loving God Holy

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Please use the link I have provided, because I only come back here to delete commercials.

For you who leave commercials, please don't. They will be deleted.

I am at Loving God Holy. I hope to see you there. Thank you, and have a blessed day.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I have moved

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

I am no longer at this site. I have moved successfully over to Loving God Holy. Please visit me there. Thank you, and God be with you.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Justic Carr says Ten Commandments can stay

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

It has always been somewhat disturbing to me that the only way we can have the 10 Commandments is if they mean nothing. Why bother? Well, anyway...

Last June, the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the US) declared that the motives for having the 10 Commandments would determine whether or not they could remain.
The Supreme Court in June allowed a 6-foot granite monument to remain at the Texas Capitol. Justices said Ten Commandments exhibits would be upheld if their main purpose was to honor the nation's legal, rather than religious, traditions, and if they didn't promote one religious sect over another.
(I am so glad Sandra O'Connor is gone.) This is a very confusing message.

In Toledo, Ohio, there was a federal case to bring down a 50 year old monument of the Ten Commandments given by the Fraternal Order of the Eagles as part of an effort to combat juvenile delinquency.
U.S. District Judge James Carr said Tuesday [April 18, 2006] that the monument can stay because the motives for placing it outside the Lucas County courthouse were secular and not an endorsement of a specific belief.
Motives??? Are you going to tell me that our constitution is not valid because at the time of its signing, many had the abolishion of slavery as a motive? What do you mean motives? Are we not allowed in this free society? Why bother having any commandments if they mean nothing at all?

Please forgive my outburst. I was going to write another victory article for the Church but as you can see, this is no victory at all. Not if you have to EXCLUDE God. No, I want no part of that freedom.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I will be moving

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

Good morning. I have decided to move, but I am keeping the name, 'Loving God Holy.' I am going to keep this site open so the people who would like to visit me may do so.

My name is Rosemary. I have been trying to do this anonymously, but I felt as if I was not being sincere somehow. I have nothing to hide. I just wanted you to concentrate more on God than on me.

I am moving because I got into a little bit of a problem. Ya see, I have a homepage but in order to get to it, I have to login at a different place. It caused many difficulties, because I have several sites, and I manage a few. This is why I decided to write the Bible in the first place! lol.

I am sincerely grateful for all the comments, helpful hints, and encouragement I have received from everyone. May God bless you all, and I look forward to see you over at the other site.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

He is Risen! Hallelujah!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16 I have not really done this before, so please bear with me. If you are of a different religion, please do not insult mine by leaving a rude comment.

Tomorrow is Easter. The Holiest day of my year. My Lord Jesus Christ has risen from the grips of death.

"Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?"

1 Corinthians 15:55

Jesus has conquered even death. My Lord and my Saviour lives even til this day, and you may know Him as well.

I understand some people do not want to believe. They are weak minded and scared. That is quite alright. I understand this dilemna. Curiousity v. desire. Curiousity killed the cat, as the saying goes, and desire killed the man. Hmm.

Cats are beautiful creatures, but they lack the ability to reason. Humans are a whole different ball of wax! I was refering to Samson. When Delilah found his weakness as Samson had revealed it, she used it against him to enslave him. His desire for her got in the way of his curiousity.

Enough of that. I just want to say that Jesus loves you. No matter what you've done, where you've been, how many times you stumble and fall, He is with you. No matter whether you can feel Him or not. He is with you. No matter if you believe in Him or not, He is with you.

May God bless you this Easter Day, and may your relationship became born anew. May your life be filled with His Peace, His Love, His Mercy, and His Justice. Happy Easter.

Hat tip for the picture: e-mail from Mike at One Year Bible Blog. Also, there are very good reads over at Bible.org. Bob has written this one for today entitled, "The Significance of the Resurrection. J. Hampton Keathley, III, Th.M has written, "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ." If you go to the homepage, you will find many more. Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

Mr. Paul M. Kingery, PhD, MPH is my 1000th visitor. I would like to say, "Thank you." I would also like to say, "Thank you" to all my friends and new friends who have taken the time to stop by. I appeciate all of you. I have a special heart for PebblePie. I pray you are well. I pray you are all well. :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I Beg Your Pardon

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

I am terribly upset with myself that I have not been keeping up here. I have been oh so busy! Please forgive me. I shall return soon.

We will finish Genesis' last two chapters, and we will start the new testament. Does that sound like a good plan to you? It is almost Easter…I wonder…He works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose!

I am in no one laying claim that 'God' made me do it! (Take the time off.) God bless everyone of you, and I shall be back soon.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Hello 4/2/2006

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

Good day. How are you? If you haven't noticed, I've been too preoccupied with the news. It seems no one in our press department is, so I have been tracking down articles.

I have many other sites, but that is a different story. I am writing to let you know that I will be writing Loving God Holy at WordPress. It was too time consuming writing the same thing twice. lol. If you have any difficulty leaving comments, please let me know by e-mailling me.

I pray all is well with you. Please continue to visit. If you really decide you like this site better, I will switch back. Hey, what's a little inconvience? :)

God bless us all.